शरीरचिन्तां निर्वर्त्य कृतशौचविधिस्ततः ।॥।
After considering the condition of the body (such as food taken in the previous night has been fully digested or not etc.), one has to attend for the natural urges and clean the parts well.
* Healthy persons should eliminate the natural urges like faeces and urine etc. facing north in the morning hours and south in the night.
* During defecation one should be silent, sit and cover the head with a cloth.
Avoid forceful expulsion.
* Avoid defecating at dirty places, center of the road, heaps of ash, cowshed, burial ground, sacred places, in front of women and respectable persons, facing sun and moon etc.
But at times of fear and sick persons may void the excrements as they wish.
* At the time of urge, one should not attend any other work.
* Suppressing the natural urges leads vitiation of väta, which in turn causes many a number of diseases.